Punishment Spanking

Spanking for naughty behaviour

Romantic Spanking

Finding new love or renewing spanking relationships

Role Play Spanking

Age play and DD/lg spanking. All participants are over 18

Erotic Spanking

Sexy adult spanking often leading to orgasm

Welcome to the new website. Here you will be able to purchase any ebooks written by Paula Mann, Peter Michaels, or his wife Pamela. We all have Domestic Discipline lifestyles and are writing what we love to read. Click on the items above to see lists of books available in the style of spanking you prefer or scroll through the spanking book series below. Not all of our books are on the site yet. We are still trying to add all the books that were available on before we were banned, and that will take another couple of weeks. If there is a particular book you would like and it is not on the site, please let me know and I will get it for you. (  

Please note: All characters in our books are over eighteen and we do not approve of  nonconsensual spanking or the spanking of minors.

The Complete Story

If you download a book that is in the special offer section. Please come back to the site after you have read it and give it a star rating and a review. Paula xx

Special Offers