My name is Jimmy Jackson, and I love spanking female bottoms. There, I’ve said it, like a newbie at an AA meeting. Please don’t ask me why I love spanking, I’ve no idea. I wasn’t spanked growing up, I didn’t have my first sexual experience before, during, or after a spanking, and I don’t have a cruel bone in my body. I only ever spank a lady if she wants to be spanked, and it’s always sexually exciting for both me and the lady I spank. In addition, I don’t have fantasies about spanking teenage girls, and I prefer to spank ladies between the ages of twenty five and fifty. I have my standards, you know.
Moms like to be Spanked – Complete Story
New author to me but as a reader of this genre for 40 plus years I see a master craftsman of this style. Pete
Jimmy Jackson is the sports master of St Jermin’s private school in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England and he loves spanking the bottom of the mothers who come to see their children play sports. The Soccer Moms tend to be wealthy and bored so Jimmy finds it easy to attract ladies between the ages of twenty five and fifty. In this book Jimmy Jackson spanks Jane Wilson, a young lady with an attitude that needs adjusting and Tiffany Dunn, the art teacher at the school. Mrs Bell is an older mother and she asks for another spanking and Jane gets her second spanking when her attitude gets worse.
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