Amy is Spanked Series

(1 customer review)


This is the complete story of Amy and her life from the age of eighteen when her mother married Tony and he insisted that Amy and her older sister should be spanked when they are naughty. Amy discovered a love of being spanked and, as she grew older, spanking her friend at university and the older girls at the school where she became a teacher.



Amy Baker is a small girl at just five feet tall with long, mousy hair and a pretty face, and she discovered that she loved to be spanked. She may be small, but she is determined to succeed, and with five A-levels she got into Leeds University to study for a BSc in Computer Sciences and Theology. After her mother remarried when Amy was eighteen, discipline was introduced into her household with regular spankings for herself and her sister Victoria. Amy didn’t mind so much about the spankings and was also spanked by her priest at the local church. Being so far from home, she didn’t get back to Torquay very often, but when she did, the discipline continued.

After being spanked at home regularly since she was at school, Amy was used to the experience, and her orgasms afterwards were amazing. At university, however, she didn’t have the same opportunity to be spanked until her friend’s father found out that Amy and Janet were not keeping the flat clean and tidy, so he insisted that they both needed a spanking. It turns out that Janet had fallen in love with Amy and needed a caning from her friend in penance for lying to her father. Amy was new to being a Domme but loved it, so a professor at the university decided that she would give Amy some instruction about how to use the cane with some practical lessons on Janet’s bottom.

In book three, we hear about Amy’s last year at the university. She is spanked at her surprise birthday party when she goes home on break, and she also spanks her Mum. Later, she visits Janet’s parents for the Friday spankings and joins Janet and her Mum to receive an enema and a ginger root buttplug, before her spanking. Finally, Amy has an interview for a job at a girls’ boarding school, and she has to prove she can spank and receive a spanking as well. 

In book four we continue we hear about Amy’s time teaching at a girls boarding school where she is spanked and also has to spank the older girls.

At the end of her first year at the girls school she is interviewed and spanked for a temporary job as a governess for a family that is travelling to the South of France on holiday and in the last book we hear about the holiday and all the spankings that happen while they are there.



1 review for Amy is Spanked Series

  1. Dee

    Amy and her sister are first introduced to corporal punishment when her mum marries a second time. Her experiences grow as her fondness for corporal punishment does. She shares her passion with friends, classmates and colleagues. A wonderfully written series.

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